By Ron Word Associated Press

Attorney says gay-straight alliance would be accepted if name were changed

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — An attorney for two gay students at a north Florida high school told a federal judge they should be allowed to have a Gay-Straight Alliance on campus, while a lawyer for the Nassau County School Board says the group’s name is against school policy.

Yulee High School students Hannah Page and Jacob Brock, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, are challenging a decision by the school board that prevents them from having the club that promotes anti-bullying and tolerance toward gays.

School board attorney Frank Sheppard says if the group will change its name, it could meet on campus.

U.S. District Judge Henry Lee Adams says he will quickly rule on the student’s request to allow them to meet while the case makes its way to trial. контент для блогагде дать рекламу